Selected Lectures
Evaluative Attitudes and Imaginative Immersion
Turin Workshop on Fiction, May 7, 2021
Emotion, Absorption, and Experiential Imagining
CUNY Graduate Center Workshop on the Emotions, May 3, 2019
Material, Medium, and Sculptural Imagining
London Aesthetics Forum, University of London, February, 2019
Imaginative Immersion and Inflection
British Society of Aesthetics, Oxford, U.K., September, 2018
A Promise of Happiness: Self-Realization, Alienation, and Affective Imagining
Conference in Honor of Alexander Nehamas, Princeton University, NJ, October, 2016
Rational Affective Imagining: Emotions Fit for Fictions
Uppsala University, Sweden, October, 2016
Affects and Artifacts
University of Oslo, Norway, October, 2016
The Contemporary Artworld and Conservation of Art
University of Turin, Italy, July, 2017
The Problem of Discrepant Affects
American Society of Aesthetics, Savannah, GA, November 12, 2015
Emotions Fit for Fictions
Graduate Center, City University of New York, NY, November 11, 2015
The Problem of Discrepant Affects
British Society of Aesthetics Meeting, Cambridge, UK, September, 2015
Affects and Norms of Imagining
Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris, May, 2015
Imagination, Emotion, and Neuroscience of Art
NY LASER/Leonardo Education and Art Forum, New York, January, 2015
Panelist, Vermeer Symposium, “Vermeer’s Daughter?”
New York Institute for the Humanities, May, 2013
Comment on Eva Dadlez, “Make-Believe Wickedness”
American Society for Aesthetics Eastern Conference, April, 2013
Comment on Georg Bertram, “Experience or Reflection? The Question of Modern Art”
American Society for Aesthetics, St. Louis, October, 2012
Empirical Psychology, Artistic Autonomy, and the Question of Invariant Norms
Royal Institute of Philosophy, Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art, Leeds University, U.K., June, 2012
Apt Emotions and Imaginings
American Society of Aesthetics Conference, October, 2011
Reasons, Causes, and Emotions Elicited by Imaginings
British Society of Aesthetics Conference, Edinburgh, U.K., September, 2011
The Art History Lecture
Museum of Modern Art, NY, Contemporary Art Symposium, June, 2011
Artistic Value
Christie’s Auction House, New York, January 2011
Apt Emotions for Fictions and Imaginings
Columbia University Aesthetics Group, September 2010
Pictorial Decorum
Philosophy Department, Temple University, April 2009
Public Curiosity: Ethics, Aesthetics and Pictorial Representation
Symposium on Ethics and Aesthetics, American Philosophical Association, December 2007
Public Curiosity: Ethics and Artistic Representation
Columbia Aesthetics Group, 2007
Expression and Style
Philosophy Department, New York University, March 2006
Public Curiosity: Rights of Self-Representation
Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University, November 2005
Public Curiosity
Art History, Visual and Performance Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 2005
“Internal and External Beauty,” on Arthur Danto’s The Abuse of Beauty
American Society of Aesthetics Conference, October 2003
Paintings Without Content
Comparative Literature Colloquium, Princeton University, March 2003
Style and Art History
Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, November 2002
Art, Censorship, and Formalism
Society of Fellows, Princeton University, April 2002
Aesthetic Autonomy, Internal Art History, and the Political Origins of Artistic Form
Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies Conference, Clark Art Institute, May 2001
Censorship, Aestheticism and the Invention of Artistic Form
Society of Fellows, Columbia University, April 2001
Sensation’ at the Brooklyn Museum
Williams College and Williams Art Museum, April 2000
The History of Art and the Limits to a Style
Society of Fellows, Columbia University, February 2000
History, Narrative and Style
UC Berkeley, Department of Philosophy, January 2000
Phenomenology, Narrative and History
Dartmouth College, Department of Philosophy, February 1999
Art History and Aesthetics
The American Society for Aesthetics, Montreal, 1996
Public Conversation with Leonard Barkan on his Michelangelo: A Life on Paper
Labyrinth Books, Princeton, November 2010
Chair, panel on Alexander Nehamas, Only a Promise of Happiness
American Society for Aesthetics, October 2009
Commentary on Noël Carroll, On Criticism
ASA/APA, December 2009
Introduction for Arthur Danto, Instruments of Passion Conference
Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 2009
Art and Vision workshop presentation
Yale University 2008
Panelist, Conference on Aesthetics and Politics
Vanderbilt University, April 2006
Commentator on Wendy Steiner, “Venus in Exile,” Program in Ethics and Public Affairs
Princeton University, February 2003
Chair, “Philosophy and Art History,” Conference in Honor of Arthur Danto
Columbia University, September 2002
Gerhard Richter conference, Center for Media and Culture
Princeton University, May 2002